Where have you been?

You have been to Kakamega Forest or in the Nandi Forests, and enjoyed your stay there. Now the wonderful time with a lot of unforgettable impressions is over, but you like to share. For sure you have taken photographs. Maybe you have also tracked your way with the GPS during a guided tour? These information you can upload to our page!

Send us an email with your track, a paragraph of text on your experience, and also a maximum of 3 of your most favourite pictures from the very area. You can also pass by the BIC and hand over the information directly and take your personal map right-away back home. This information we will then include here, i.e. it will become known to those who share with you the esteem for the beauty of Kakamega Forest. At the same time you are supporting the BIC because we might use your photographs and tracks to further improve our information material. As a thank-you you will see your track mapped in the larger context and learn where exactly you have been.

See what others have done:

From KWS gate to Isiukhu Falls and back, 13th of August 2011

From Rondo to Yala Rapids and back, 6th of March 2010

Send us your data: bickakamega @ gmail.com

Note: All your information sent will be published on this website after a careful checking.
By uploading the information you are allowing the BIC to use it also for other purposes.
Be assured that your name will be always specified as source.
Thanks for your help!