See where Nirmal, Gertrud, and Anastasia went

To the Yala Rapids, finally

So far me, Gertrud, I had never managed to get to see the spectacular "Yala Falls". Together with Nirmal and Anastasia and accompanied by the forest guide Consolata we started from Rondo Retreat. The path following the small stream leading south surprised us not only with its ups and downs but also as being very well maintained. The vegetation is versatile and you can hear and see plenty of birds.

When we finally reached Yala River, the sight was impressive: not by the height of water falling down but by the width of what rightly deserves the name "Yala Rapids". There might be rumours around, but we did not encounter any hippo. The way back led us through the riverine-type and hardly disturbed thick forest cover of Yala River Nature Reserve. Later we joined the larger track through the large opening covered by guava bushland (mapera tamu!) facing the prominent Lirhanda Hill.

After a larger section again through forest, although planted, we were happy to be back and to relax by a cup of coffee at Rondo.

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