Gathering of Kakamega-Nandi forests stakeholders to jointly discuss preliminary version of The BIOTA East Africa Atlas

Nine people representing various forest management authorities, NGOs and CBOs from the Kakamega-Nandi forest area gathered on the 18th of March 2010 to learn about The BIOTA East Africa Atlas - Rainforest Change over Time. The main editor of the atlas, Gertrud Schaab, introduced its overall concept and rational, its structure and contents, and gave insides into certain map depictions. The participants were invited to seek for clarification, to comment or come up with suggestions and to respond to specific questions of the atlas makers.

While during the venue the group worked with preliminary print-outs, digital copies were provided for an independent checking of details later on. The immediate input as well as hints arriving later aimed at improving the atlas information through local knowledge as well as to allow for participation in the atlas project.

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