Discussion on a project proposal related
to land management and forest ecosystem functions/services

On the 20th of August 2009 14 people met at the BIC to discuss a joint project proposal to be handed in as a possible successor of the BIOTA East Africa project. As the intention is to again focus part of the research and science-fed implementations in the Kakamega-Nandi forests area, a range of stakeholders had been invited to get to known the project ideas as well as to discuss them frankly.

After a presentation of the current proposal stage by Gertrud Schaab and Dana Berens (Germany), in a lively discussion the stakeholders shared their ideas, wishes and concerns, and made important contributions to the further elaboration of the project proposal. Everyone was invited to still add to the process of proposal preparation via Anastasia Mwaura or Mr. Mibey (HoC Western).

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