2013 (-)

Big 5 of Kakamega (defined by Lisa Paul & Steve Ogallo)
  A MatatuLisa Paul
  Getting a ride on a PikipikiGertrud Schaab
  Taking a Bodaboda to ...Lisa Paul
Steve Okalo
  Yours truely « Steve »Lisa Paul
Kakamega forest
  The Kakamega Forest Gertrud Schaab
Enjoying a Kenyan children's birthday party (July 2013)

Alt text

by joining the Isukti dancing (size 13.5 MB)
Maria Arnal Canudo
A comfy mattress, maybe a nice advert for Kenyan tea? (July 2013)
enjoying the new matress shhh... do not tell the owners!
Mary Mbenge

2012 (-)
Launching the KFE Management Plan (October 2012)
Launch of the KFE Management Plan The patient audience in the typical Kakamega rain facing the VIP tent ‒
luckily not all chairs were occupied
Gertrud Schaab
Some nightly sounds recorded in Mabira Forest, Uganda (May 2012)
Birds in Mabira Forest at dawn (1.63 MB)  
Birds in Mabira Forest at dusk (1.0 MB)  
A tree hyrax in Mabira Forest (1.47 MB) Dorothea Heim

2011 (+)
2010 (+)
2009 (+)
2008 (+)
2007 and earlier (+)

Karlsruhe, 26/03/2015