Publications of Tobias Lung

Scientific papers / publications
18. Lung, T., M.K. Peters, N. Farwig, K. Böhning-Gaese & G. Schaab (2012): Combining long-term land-cover time series and field observations for spatially explicit predictions on changes in tropical forest biodiversity. In: International Journal of Remote Sensing.
17. Schaab, G., T. Lübker, T. Lung & S.M. Nthuni (2011): Applications of object-based image analysis results for the farmland surrounding Kakamega Forest in western Kenya. In: Proceedings (digital) of the 34th International Symposium for Remote Sensing of the Environment (ISRSE), 10-15 April 2011, Sydney (Australia), Theme: Agriculture: Food Crisis and Reducing Poverty and Hunger.
16. Lung, T., N. Farwig, K. Böhning-Gaese & G. Schaab (2010): Comparing potential reforestation scenarios of a tropical forest – A landscape-scale assessment of impacts on the avifauna. In: Proceedings of the International Conference in Landscape Ecology "Landscape structures, functions and management: response to global ecological change", 3-6 September 2010, Brno/Prague (Czech Republic) (Abstract: Book of Abstracts. International Conference in Landscape Ecology, 145(7012), 2010).
15. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2010): From landscape-scale models of forest biodiversity change towards an integrated planning tool - a GUI for building empirical ecological extrapolation models based on land cover data. In: Proceedings of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment's Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5-8 July 2010, Ottawa, Canada., S.01A.06.
14. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2010): A comparative assessment of land cover dynamics of three protected forest areas in tropical eastern Africa. In: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 161(1), 531-548.
13. Schaab, G., T. Lübker & T. Lung (2009): Addressing different user groups with one atlas: The BIOTA East Africa Atlas, subtitled Rainforest Change over Time. In: Proceedings (DVD) of the 24th International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2009) "The World’s Geo-Spatial Solutions", 15-21 November 2009, Santiago de Chile (Chile), conf. theme 14 Atlases.
12. Schaab, G., T. Lübker, T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2009): Remotely sensed data for sustainable biodiversity mangement - the case model of Kakamega Forest in western Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 33nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment "Sustaining the Millenium Development Goals", 4-8 May, Stresa, Lago Maggiore (Italy), digitally publ., ref.479.
11. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2008): Land cover change for Mabira Forest and Budongo Forest in Uganda - Results of processing Landsat satellite imagery time series, 1972 to 2003. In: Karlsruher Geowissenschaftliche Schriften, Rh. D, Bd. 9; ed. by G. Schaab.
10. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2007): Landsat-based land cover time series from the early 1970s to 2003: comparing three East African rainforest areas in support of biodiversity research. In: Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment "Sustainable Development through Global Earth Observations", 25-29 June, San José (Costa Rica).
9. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2006): Assessing fragmentation and disturbance of West Kenyan rainforests by means of remotely-sensed imagery time series data and landscape metrics. In: African Journal of Ecology 44(4), 491-506.
8. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2006): Tracing significant losses and limited gains in forest cover for the Kakamega-Nandi complex in western Kenya across 90 years by use of satellite imagery, aerial photography and maps. In: Proceedings of ISPRS (TC7) Mid-Term Symposium "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes", 8-11 May, ITC Enschede (Netherlands); ed. by Kerle, N. & A.K. Skidmore.
7. Schaab, G., T. Lung & P. Freckmann (2006): Philippinische Projektpartner in Karlsruhe. In: Magazin der Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft und des Vereins der Freunde und seiner Freundeskreise, 27(53), 33-34.
6. Schaab, G., N. Mitchell, T. Lung, T. Kraus, G. Strunz, R.O. Odongo, F. Muchori & J.K. Ngochoch (2005): GIS and remote sensing in support of biodiversity research at the landscape scale. In: BIOLOG, Biodiversity and Global Change, Status Report 2005, 68-70.
5. Schaab, G., T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2005): Land use/cover change analyses based on remotely-sensed imagery and old maps as means to document fragmentation and disturbance for East-African rainforests over the last ca. 100 years. In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference 2005, 9-16 July 2005, A Coruña (Spain).
4. Lung, T. (2005): Klassifikation von Satellitenbildern zur Analyse von Veränderungen tropischer Regenwälder in Westkenia über die letzten 30 Jahre. In: Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft, Forschung aktuell 2005, 13-16.
3. Lung, T. (2004): Landbedeckungsänderungen im Gebiet "Kakamega Forest und assoziierte Waldgebiete" (Westkenia) – Multispektrale Klassifikation von Landsat-Satellitenbilddaten und Auswertung mittels Methoden im Raster-GIS. In: Karlsruher Geowissenschaftliche Schriften, Rh. A, Bd. 15; ed. by G. Schaab.
2. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2004): Change-Detection in Western Kenya – The Documentation of Fragmentation and Disturbance for Kakamega Forest and Associated Forest Areas by means of Remotely-Sensed Imagery. In: ISPRS Archives, Vol. XXXV, Part B (DVD), Proceedings of the ISPRS XXth Congress, 12-23 July, Istanbul (Turkey).
1. Lung, T. (2004): Landbedeckungsänderungen im Gebiet "Kakamega Forest und assoziierte Waldgebiete" (Westkenia) – Multispektrale Klassifizierung von Landsat-Satellitenbilddaten und Auswertung mittels Methoden im Raster-GIS. Unpublished Diploma Thesis, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Geomatics.
Oral presentations
5. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2010): From landscape-scale models of forest biodiversity change towards an integrated planning tool - a GUI for building empirical ecological extrapolation models based on land cover data. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment's Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5-8 July 2010, Ottawa, Canada.
4. Lung, T., M.K. Peters, N. Farwig, N. Sajita, K. Böhning-Gaese, & G. Schaab (2008): From field findings on biodiversity to landscape-scale distributions and change over time – Ants and birds in Kakamega Forest. International Congress "Biodiversity of Africa – Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!", 29 September – 3 October 2008, Spier (South Africa) (Abstract: Programme International Congress "Biodiversity of Africa. Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!", 42, 2008).
3. Schaab, G. & T. Lung (2008): Beginners’ GIS course (theory & introduction to the BiotaEastGIS Tool) for BIOTA-East counterparts at the National Museums of Kenya, Centre for Biodiversity, 6-13 August 2008, Nairobi (Kenya).
2. Schaab, G. & T. Lung (2007): Biota-East and our contribution in the context of land cover change. Public Academic Conference of the GeoTeach CensoPhil Project "Geomatics Technology and its Potential Contributions to Development", 24 January, Cagayan de Oro City (Philippines).
1. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2005): Landschaftsstrukturmaße zur Auswertung von Satellitenbildzeitreihen für Aussagen zur Fragmentierung tropischer Regenwälder am Beispiel des Kakamega Forest, Westkenia. IALE-Workshop "Dynamik der Landschaftsstruktur", 3 June, UFZ Leipzig (Germany).
Poster presentations
11. Lung, T., N. Farwig, M.K. Peters, K. Böhning-Gaese & G. Schaab (2009): Simulating changes in bird species distributions over one century – Extrapolations for forests in western Kenya based on land-cover change data. Joint Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ, Society of Tropical Ecology) & Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) "Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems. Crosscutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres", 27-30 July 2009, Marburg (Abstract: Programme –Abstracts Joint Meeting of the Society of Tropical Ecology & the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation "Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems. Crosscutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres", 359, 2009).
10. Peters, M.K., T. Lung, & G. Schaab (2009): Deforestation and the decline of the army ant Doylus wilverthi in western Kenya over the past 90 years. Joint Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (GTÖ, Society of Tropical Ecology) & Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) "Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems. Crosscutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres", 27-30 July 2009, Marburg (Abstract: Programme –Abstracts Joint Meeting of the Society of Tropical Ecology & the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation "Impacts of Global Change on Tropical Ecosystems. Crosscutting the Abiotic, Biotic and Human Spheres", 372, 2009).
9. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2009): Less forest, less safari for the siafu! Poster for Biodiversity Information Centre in Kakamega Town and for KWS Buyangu Visitors Centre.
8. Lung, T., M.K. Peters & G. Schaab (2008): Modelling the abundance of a keystone army ant species for a changing East African landscape over the past 90 years. Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity, 11-30 May, Bonn (Germany).
7. Lung, T., N. Mitchell & G. Schaab (2006): Tracing significant losses and limited gains in forest cover for the Kakamega-Nandi complex in western Kenya across 90 years by use of satellite imagery, aerial photography and maps. ISPRS (TC7) Mid-Term Symposium "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes", 8-11 May, Enschede (Netherlands).
6. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2005): Using GIS to integrate different research methods employed in the investigation of long term forest cover change in East Africa. BIOLOG Status Seminar, 25-27 November, Würzburg (Germany).
5. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2005): Die integrative Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten und Karten, Archivmaterial der Forstverwaltungen sowie Wissen der lokalen Bevölkerung um die Waldhistorie als Voraussetzung für Aussagen hinsichtlich einer nachhaltigen Nutzung von ostafrikanischen Regenwäldern. 55. Deutscher Geographentag, 1-8 October, Trier (Germany).
4. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2005): Kakamega Forest from space. Poster for KWS (BIOTA-display board) and KEEP (Environmental Education), Kakamega Forest.
3. Schaab, G., T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2005): Land use/cover change analyses based on remotely-sensed imagery and old maps as means to document fragmentation and disturbance for East-African rainforests over the last ca. 100 years. International Cartographic Conference, 9-16 July, A Coruña (Spain).
2. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2004): Change-Detection in Western Kenya – The Documentation of Fragmentation and Disturbance for Kakamega Forest and Associated Forest Areas by means of Remotely-Sensed Imagery. ISPRS XXth Congress, 12-23 July, Istanbul (Turkey).
1. Lung, T. & G. Schaab (2004): Typen der Landbedeckungsänderung für Regenwälder in Westkenia - Auswertung einer klassifizierten Satellitenbildzeitreihe mittels Cluster-Analyse. AGIT 2004, 7-9 July, Salzburg (Austria).
Karlsruhe, 06/05/2011