Publications of Nick Mitchell

Scientific papers / publications
14. Mitchell, N., G. Schaab & J.W. Wägele (eds.) (2009): Kakamega Forest ecosystem: An introduction to the natural history and the human context. In: Karlsruher Geowissenschaftliche Schriften (KGS), Reihe A, Bd. 17; ed. by G. Schaab.
13. Schaab, G., T. Lübker, T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2009): Remotely sensed data for sustainable biodiversity mangement - the case model of Kakamega Forest in western Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 33nd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment "Sustaining the Millenium Development Goals", 4-8 May, Stresa, Lago Maggiore (Italy), digitally publ., ref.479.
12. Mitchell, N. & G. Schaab (2008): Developing a disturbance index for five East African forests using GIS to analyse historical forest use as an important driver of current land use/cover. In: African Journal of Ecology, 46(4), 572-584.
11. Huth, K., N. Mitchell & G. Schaab (2007 & 2008): Judging and visualising the quality of spatio-temporal data on the Kakamega-Nandi forest area in west Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality (ISSDQ 2007) "Modelling Qualities in Space and Time", 13-15 June 2007, ITC Enschede (The Netherlands); & In: Stein, A., W. Shi & W. Bijker (eds.), Quality Aspects in Spatial Data Mining, London, Boca-Raton, 297-313.
10. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2006): Tracing significant losses and limited gains in forest cover for the Kakamega-Nandi complex in western Kenya across 90 years by use of satellite imagery, aerial photography and maps. In: Proceedings of ISPRS (TC7) Mid-Term Symposium "Remote Sensing: From Pixels to Processes", 8-11 May 2006, ITC Enschede (The Netherlands); ed. by Kerle, N. & A.K. Skidmore.
9. Mitchell, N. & G. Schaab (2006): Assessing long-term forest cover change in East Africa by means of a geographic information system. In: Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft, Forschung aktuell 2006, 48-52.
8. Schaab, G., N. Mitchell, T. Lung, T. Kraus, G. Strunz, R.O. Odongo, F. Muchori & J.K. Ngochoch (2005): GIS and remote sensing in support of biodiversity research at the landscape scale. In: BIOLOG, Biodiversity and Global Change, Status Report 2005, 68-70.
7. Schaab, G., T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2005): Land use/cover change analyses based on remotely-sensed imagery and old maps as means to document fragmentation and disturbance for East-African rainforests over the last ca. 100 years. In: CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference 2005, 9-16 July 2005, A Coruña (Spain).
6. Chatterton, P., N. Mitchell & R. Yamuna (2004): Community ownership of protected areas in Papua New Guinea. In Livelihoods and Forests, Arborvitae 26.
5. Mitchell, N. (2004): The exploitation and disturbance history of Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya. BIOTA East Report No. 1, Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge, Bd. 20; ed. by Bleher, B. & H. Dalitz.
4. Mitchell, N. (2003): The Wood. In: Keevill, G.D., The Tower of London: excavations at the Tower of London moat 1995-1999. Oxford Archaeology.
3. Mitchell, N. & C. Bell. (2002): Evidence for a Late Bronze Age landscape on the site of the former stock market at Brigg, North Lincolnshire. In the Journal of Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 37.
2. Mitchell, N. (2002): The timber waterfront. In: Blinkhorn, P.W., Excavation of the medieval waterfront at King Stable, Eton. David Brown Book Company.
1. Mitchell, N. (2002): the medieval tiles. In: Hardy, A., A. Dodd, & G.D. Keevill, Aelfric's Abbey: Excavations at Eynsham Abbey, Oxfordshire, 1989-92. Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph, 15, Oxford Archaeological Unit.
Oral presentations
7. Mitchell, N. & G. Schaab (2010): A spatio-temporal methodology for quantifying disturbance in East African rainforests. IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference "Forest landscapes and global change. New frontiers in management, conservation and restoration", 21-27 September 2010, Bragança (Portugal) (Abstract: Forest Landscapes and Global change. New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration. Book of Abstracts of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, 21-27 September 2010, Barança, Portugal;
ed. by Azevedo, J.C., M. Feliciano, J. Castro & M.A. Pinto, 113, 2010).
6. Mitchell, N. & G. Schaab (2010): In support of participatory forest management in western Kenya. International Conference SWC2010 "People, Forests and the Environment Coexisting in Harmony", 25-27 May 2010, Casablanca, (Morocco) (Abstract: "People, Forests and the Environment Coexisting in Harmony", International Conference, Casablanca, 23, 2010; ed. by M. Ellatifi).
5. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2009): Using 100 years of spatial data within a GIS to analyse the forest cover change of two Ugandan protected areas. AfricaGIS 2009 International Conference, 26-29 October 2009, Kampala (Uganda).
4. Mitchell, N., & G. Schaab (2008): Using remote sensing and old maps in combination with archival documents, oral histories, and placename evidence to show changes in rainforest cover over more than a century for the Kakamega-Nandi Forest complex, Kenya. International Congress on Historic Maps and Imagery for Modern Scientific Applications, 28-30 November 2008, Bern (Switzerland) (Abstract: Historic Maps and Imagery for Modern Scientific Applications, International Congress, University of Bern, 27, 2008).
3. Mitchell, N., E. Fischer, W. Freund, K. Gaesing, M. Hagen, M. Kraemer, M. Oesker, M.K. Peters, J.W. Wägele, T. Wünscher & G. Schaab (2008): BIOTA involvement in the participatory forest management of Kakamega Forest, aiming at a zonation map. International Congress "Biodiversity of Africa – Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!", 29 September – 3 October 2008, Spier / Stellenbosch (South Africa) (Abstract: "Biodiversity of Africa. Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!" International Congress, Spier / Stellenbosch, 71, 2008).
2. Schaab, G. & N. Mitchell (2007): Developing a disturbance index for Kakamega Forest, Kenya, taking account of accumulated historical forest use via GIS. GTÖ Conference: Tropical Diversity in the Anthropocene, 21-25 February, Bonn (Germany).
1. Mitchell, N. & G. Schaab (2006): Developing a disturbance index for five East African forests using GIS to analyse historical forest use as an important driver of current land use/cover. International Conference on Ecosystems Changes and Implications on Livelihoods of Rural Communities in Africa, 18-20 October 2006, Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania).
Poster presentations
4. Mitchell, N., & G. Schaab (2008): Exploring the disturbance of East African rainforests using three spatially explicit indices. International Congress "Biodiversity in Africa – Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!", 29 September – 3 October 2008, Spier / Stellenbosch (South Africa) (Abstract: "Biodiversity of Africa. Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!" International Congress, Spier / Stellenbosch, 153, 2008).
3. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2005): Using GIS to integrate different research methods employed in the investigation of long term forest cover change in East Africa. BIOLOG Status Seminar, 25-27 November, Würzburg (Germany).
2. Mitchell, N., T. Lung & G. Schaab (2005): Die integrative Auswertung von Fernerkundungsdaten und Karten, Archivmaterial der Forstverwaltungen sowie Wissen der lokalen Bevölkerung um die Waldhistorie als Voraussetzung für Aussagen hinsichtlich einer nachhaltigen Nutzung von ostafrikanischen Regenwäldern. 55. Deutscher Geographentag, 1-8 October, Trier (Germany).
1. Schaab, G., T. Lung & N. Mitchell (2005): Land use/cover change analyses based on remotely-sensed imagery and old maps as means to document fragmentation and disturbance for East-African rainforests over the last ca. 100 years. International Cartographic Conference, 9-16 July, A Coruña (Spain).
Karlsruhe, 10/12/2010