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Name Uni Position Expertise Project role
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gertrud Schaab HsKA lecturer (Dept. of Information Management and Media) main teaching subjects: carto­graphy, GIS, remote sensing;
research: interdisciplinary applications of geo-technologies in environmental science, currently in biodiversity research
project lead, advisor curriculum integration & GIS teaching
Prof. Dr. Peter Freckmann HsKA lecturer (Dept. of Information Management and Media) main teaching subjects: thematic cartography, GIS, location-based services advisor curriculum integration & GIS teaching
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Saler HsKA lecturer (Dept. of Information Management and Media) main teaching subjects: GIS, facility management, data bases, statistics advisor curriculum integration & GIS teaching
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Stern HsKA teaching assistant (Dept. of Information Management and Media) GIS-teaching, WebGIS advice reg. training & modules
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Konrad Berner HsKA associate project & teaching assistant geodata processing in archeological applications advice reg. training & modules
Dr. Edward M. Neyole MMUST lecturer, chairman of Disaster Preparedness & Engineering Management (CDMHA) environmental studies;
research: GIS application in environmental health, disaster mapping
project coordination at MMUST, curriculum development
Dr. Alex Khaemba MMUST lecturer (Civil Engineering) GIS, remote sensing, photogrammetry module development
Mr. Kaleb Mwendwa MMUST lecturer in GIS fundamentals (Dept. of Science and Mathematics Education) forestry, soil science module development
Ms. Caroline Mulinya MMUST lecturer in cartography & GIS (Dept. of Social Science Educ. (Geography)) geography module development
Dr. Edward Masibayi MMUST lecturer (Dept. of Disaster Preparedness & Engineering Management) hydrology, GIS, remote sensing module development
Assoc. Prof. Gerald Eilu MAK senior lecturer (Dept. of Forestry, Biodiversity and Tourism) interdisciplinary research, natural resource management project coordination at MAK, curriculum development
Dr. Richard Otukei MAK lecturer (Dept. of Geomatics and Land Management) GIS, remote sensing module development
Prof. Majaliwa Mwanjalolo MAK Prof. (Dept. of Environmental Management) GIS, remote sensing module development
Dr. Anthony Gidudu MAK Lecturer (Dept. of Geomatics and Land Management) GIS, remote sensing, surveying module development
Dr. Daniel Waiswa MAK lecturer (Dept. of Environmental Management) GIS, remote sensing module development
Dr. Michael Mbogga MAK lecturer (Dept. of Environmental Management) modelling climate impact on forest ecosystems module development
Dr. Mugatsia Tsingalia --- associate ecology module development
Dr. Elizabeth S. Abenga MMUST Director, Directorate of International Academic Linkages - - - ex-officio member
Karlsruhe, 30/03/2023