logo UnivGisKoop
01/01/2012 – 31/12/2015
funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under "Subject-related Partnerships with Institutions of High Education in Developing Countries"
financed via German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
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For the team from MMUST it was helpful to see that also at Makerere the team is struggling to make enough time for the UnivGisKoop aims. Nevertheless, the MAK team impressed us with a very well-organized workshop. This included a look around the campus (including highest point for view on Kampala), an excursion to Mabira Forest and Jinja (the Source of the Nile) and finally a farewell nyama choma. For the German participant from HsKA it was in particular interesting to follow the vivid discussions between the Kenyan and Ugandan participants on Ugandan history (Idi Amin) and Nandi bears during the breaks. And not to forget the shopping in multi-level ware houses (fabrics!), while others hunted spare parts for cars.
Although we have been facing real challenges, major progress regarding the two modules could be made during five very effective working days. Additionally, for the third module GIS 2 the planning of the work was concluded as well as the procedures of curriculum integration for all three modules discussed.

Karlsruhe, 30/05/2015