At the beginning of the project, the team members at the University of Limpopo (UL) recognized the value of involving a group of final year students in the research process of a larger research project. Continue reading “New dummy entry”
WoPedyP at SSAG

Several members of the WoPedyP team took part in the Society of South African Geographers Conference 2022 that was hosted by the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology at the University of Pretoria (12 – 14 September 2023). Continue reading “New dummy entry”
Participatory Mapping “mo Makweng”

On 3 July 2023, the South African team of WoPedyP kicked off our weeklong focus group data collection. Each study site had a different number of participants with age ranges varying. Continue reading “New dummy entry”
Reflections from the fieldwork conducted

From 29th June to 10th July 2022 the members of the WoPedyP project team ventured out into the communities of Nchechane, Nobody (Ga-Mothapo), Mankweng and Ramogale to conduct questionnaire based interviews. Continue reading “New dummy entry”
Codesign with We Can Women staff members towards a logo and webpages

On 12 September 2022, a small workshop took place at the University of Limpopo. Three senior staff members of the We Can Woman NPO wanted to engage in logo design for their organization and learn how to plan content for a website. Continue reading “New dummy entry”
Internal WoPedyP workshop/meeting at UL – Updating each other and looking ahead

From 29 Aug to 1 Sep 2022, the entire WopedyP team met in Mankweng, with the meeting being hosted by Prof Ramudzuli and Izelque Botha at the University of Limpopo. Continue reading “New dummy entry”
Visit by BMBF and DLR-PT representatives at the University of Pretoria, 16 November 2022

The visit came as a surprise, but was most welcome after the official kick-off in Bonn was called off due to a lack of more 2020 SAG-CORE-funded projects. Continue reading “Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)”
Want to listen to what WoPedyP is about?

Esther Mmasetepa Masekoameng, the founder and director of the We Can Women Development Centre and a project partner in the WoPedyP project has the floor. Continue reading “Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)”
Early Career Development: Delivering a Lecture to MSc Students at the University of Stuttgart

As discussed in a previous blog [insert hyperlink], Prof. Schaab and I attended a hybrid workshop held in Bonn between 19 and 20 April 2024. While Prof. Schaab attended the workshop in person, I decided—on account of the duration of the workshop—to participate and present from the confines of the University of Pretoria in South Africa rather than travel to Bonn, Germany. Continue reading “Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)”
Accompanying WoPedyP postgrad students for their fieldwork – Finally getting to know the study area

The PhD student Deepthi, placed at Hochschule Karlsruhe in Germany, had already been in the field collecting ground truth data and talking to informants, before I got the chance of accompanying her in early Sep 2022. Continue reading “Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)”
Unleashing Technical Potential at We Can Women

In this blog post, we talk about a training session at We Can Women, aiming to empower women by enabling them to map their places of interest and neighborhoods. You might ask, "Why them?" Continue reading ““Welcome to 2063!””
“Welcome to 2063!”

Between 04 July and 07 July, members of the WoPedyP project team carried out focus group activities with voluntary participants from our four selected study sites namely, Nchechane, Nobody (Ga-Mothapo), Mankweng and Ramogale. Continue reading ““Welcome to 2063!””
ISRSE39: A Post-Conference Account
ISRSE39, 2023: The 39th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment took place in Antalya, Turkey, from April 24 to 28, 2023. Continue reading ““Welcome to 2063!””
Ground truthing experience at Mankweng!
In remote sensing, “ground truth“ refers to information collected on ground. Ground truth allows image data to be related to real features and materials on the ground. Continue reading ““Welcome to 2063!””
University of Pretoria: Here's my Verdict!

An exchange in a foreign country can be a nerve-wracking journey including excitement as well as apprehensions about the forthcoming challenges. might ask, "Why them?" Continue reading ““Welcome to 2063!””
Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)

What a nice start and surprise: at We can Woman Development Centre the project team was greeted with dancing and singing! Wearing community face masks added to the colourful dressing. And luckily, excitement was expressed through clapping and cheering, too, because during COVID-19 the many smiles are unfortunately hidden. However, we had made friends already and could drive on with our trip through the study area.
Continue reading “Reflections on our First WoPedyP Workshop in Mankweng (22-25 Nov 2021)”