
The Faculty of Information Management and Media (IMM) at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HsKA) received funding for a project on 'Fremdsein 4.0' aiming at a grounding on different experiences in regard to educational migration at the university through applying various media means.

Funding was granted within the framework 'campusWELTbewerb', organized by the two Baden-Württemberg Ministries for Environment (UM) and for Science & Art (MWK) with support of finep. Here, projects at universities were selected which aimed at engaging in global sustainability by bringing about local changes without ignoring the global ties.

We organized two workshops in early April and early June 2018. The start made a diplomat by sharing very personal experiences of feeling foreign and not at home, when sent to a country like Germany. This triggered self-reflection and awareness among the participants, fourteen students from eight different countries and six lecturers/staff, who then collected their experiences and thoughts around the two "hot words" 'Fremdsein' and 'Heimat'. It provided the ground for transferring the experiences of and implications by 'not feeling at home' into physical or digital items by multi-media means.

Three groups were formed, one working on texts, one with photography and video, and another developing interactive map apps, with each group constituting of lecturers/staff and students which stemmed from three of four study programme fields across the faculty. The groups worked independently, but in particular during the workshop they used the opportunities for sharing and discussing ideas including asking for contributions from other groups.

The ultimate goal was an interactive multi-media exhibition to share the project outcomes within the university and beyond. It took place at HsKA for three weeks in October 2018 and provided a rather personal perspective on the diverse perceptions of "foreignness" inviting the visitors of the exhibition for self-reflection in the every-day dealing with others.

The exhibition is now on again. You are welcome to visit the virtual exhibition!

Project introduction Photographs Ideal Home Finder App

Photos: Dominik Müller
